The Beacon Institute’s Grants Division seeks funding from Federal, State, and local agencies as well as private and non-public sources to finance projects consistent with the mission and goals of the Institute. We develop grant projects that:
- Enhance quality of life for recipients of long-term care services in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and residential settings.
- Strengthen the capacity of the workforce serving older adults, particularly in the areas of health and long-term care.
- Improve care coordination in facilities and between facilities and health care providers
- Promote best practices or innovative approaches in care for seniors
- Pilot and test new practices and models for delivering services for Maryland’s elderly.
Current Grants:
Products produced from grants:
The Nursing Assessment Skills Toolkit
The Discharge Planning Toolkit
White Paper: "Cognitive Rehab Transitions: Findings and Recommendations"
Training video series: Managing Residents With Traumatic Brain Injuries
Closed Grants
Improving Nursing Staff Knowledge and Skills to Identify Changes in Resident Status
Cognitive Rehab Transitions Project
Maryland Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) Awareness Project
Person Centered Pilot Training: Best Practices in Dementia Care
Improving Nursing Home Discharges Phase I
For more information on grant projects, contact Lesley Flaim, Grant Programs Manager.